Book Welfare Units

Hire Welfare Cabins

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The perfect solution to on site welfare hire a welfare cabin from us and get everything your staff will need. Great if people need shelter from the weather and a place to have a hot drink during their breaks. These units could also be used as an on site office, a perfect place for an on site meeting. They come with kitchen area (with hot running water for washing up), seating, storage, a generator/drying room and a chemical toilet with hand washing facilities. We deliver the units directly to your site, all you need is a flat area for us to install it. Please contact us for dimensions and hire costs.


In our ever changing world prices are updated every month, please call now for an up-to-date price. Please be aware the minimum hire period is 4 weeks.

To hire welfare cabins for your site please complete the form, or call 0118 4023451 or 07979 147 868.

In the date field please add the date you require the hire to start. We will check your requirements and get back to you to confirm the booking. Bookings are not completed until we’ve been in touch to confirm.

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Mammoth Site Storage,
20-22 Richfield Avenue,

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